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韓國luthione super white x ZD&K 口服白玉針



韓國口服白玉針(Luthione)(90回) 韓國美白針製藥廠首次推出口服的白玉針🙌🏻 ☑️美白☑️淡斑☑️預防皺紋☑️皮膚老化☑️免疫力增强☑️解毒☑️減肥 主要成分: a-Glutathione 100mg b-Cyanocobalamin 500ug c-Folic acid 250ug d-Pyridoxine hydrochloride 50mg e-Acetylcysteine 200mg a-以強大的抗氧化劑除去活性酸素,抑制黑色素,使皮膚清澈,預防皮膚皺紋及老化 b / c / d-與谷胱甘肽結合,去除皮膚內活性酸素,增強免疫力 e-在肝中促進谷胱甘肽的生成和合成 食法:早、中、晚各一包 Luthione 1200 - a modern product for mesotherapy. This product is intended to eliminate age-related changes of the skin while providing a complex effect on the body: it enforces the immune system while increasing the actity of liver enzymes and restoring its proper activity.
